Frequent questions

Why choose Head of Rows®️?

  • Trust: more than 5,000 orders satisfied customers are a guarantee of success, we are a 100% Colombian brand for the world, cycling moves us
  • Free review: In case you don't like something in your final design, you can request a change at no cost.
  • Speed: Usually it takes us 8 business days to ship an order, but if we have it sooner we will send it to you.
  • Without paying more: Due to our large volume of orders, we can offer the best price on the market, with the best quality.
  • Versatility: With all types of stickers, you can customize your bike and items in your own way, we also have several versions and unique designs.

How long does my order take?

From 5 to 8 business days, as it is a personalized product design, approvals, corrections, production, readiness and shipping, do not rush like in a race, we want to do our best to win each stage, we always try to have the orders before the start.

Do you ship nationwide?

Of course CAPO! Cycling being a national passion, we cover all Colombian territory and in some cities outside of Colombia.

Does shipping cost?

Yes, of course, we have door-to-door addresses in the capital (Bogotá), shipping costs $5 thousand pesos, and for orders outside of Bogota we have an agreement with all carriers nationwide for a cost of $10 thousand pesos.

Can I pay on delivery? 

How we operate digitally and taking into account that our products are personalized, we do not have this means of payment, however we can negotiate the cost of shipping so that you pay that value with the carrier or the address.

Do you have a physical store?

Our entire operation is digital, we have a very top-of-the-range team that will help you in all our service channels.

Can I see my design before production?

Clear! Our design and customer service team can send you a preview image so you can see how your design turned out, what's more, you can approve it through the corporate WhatsApp channel if you wish.

Can I make changes to the design of my stickers?

Remember that only 1 change is included in our design service, which can be a change of background color, change of texts, change of font, keep in mind that this change must be made before production.

Do the stickers have a guarantee? Tell us about your case and we will review it with a magnifying glass.